Advanced Weapons Tactics Classes
If you are interested in taking your abilities to the next level with a pistol, rifle or shotgun, you are in the right spot. My classes will teach you how to maximize the capabilities of your weapon as well as enabling you to become tactically and technically proficient with the weapon. I have almost 4 decades of experience and I am anxious to share that knowledge with you.
Knowing the basics is important but to become truly proficient you must train in a realistic environment to maximize your ability. Each one of us must know our limitations and abilities. I will provide you with the opportunity to know just where your abilities are.

Basic Pistol Class – $150
This class is critical for the novice shooter or for anyone wanting to go back to the basics. You will learn how to clean and maintain your weapon. This class teaches the 4 cardinal rules of firearms safety, fundamentals of marksmanship, loading and unloading the firearm and malfunction clearance procedures.
You will become proficient in presenting (drawing) your weapon and quickly pointing in on your threat. I will teach you to effectively utilize a flash sight picture while engaging the threat. You will also become proficient in clearing type I, II and III weapon malfunctions. I will also teach you to utilize your weak hand to engage a threat. This training will enable you to gain the confidence and ability to engage any threat and have that conscious competence to clear a malfunction in a timely manner without panic or hesitation. You will become familiar with utilizing cover while engaging your threat. You will become familiar with utilizing cover while engaging your threat. You will need a minimum of 500 rounds. You must attend the Basic class prior to attending the intermediate class.
I will work one on one with each person to ensure they are applying the fundamentals of marksmanship correctly and increase their ability to effectively engage targets out to 150 yards. You will learn to shoot from multiple positions without compromising stability. If you are an AR-15 enthusiast, this class can greatly enhance your abilities and provide you the confidence to attend the Tactical Movement class. No matter the type of rifle, I can increase your ability to put rounds on target. You will need to bring a minimum of 400 rounds of ammunition, eye protection, baseball cap and additional magazines (if applicable).
This class teaches the techniques and tactics for movement while shooting. I have decades of experience from the military and police work as a tactics instructor. This is a course that will test your skills in several areas and safety is paramount. You must be proficient in all areas of weapons manipulations prior to attending this class. This is a great class that will provide understanding of the dynamics of engaging targets while moving. This class is taught for pistol and rifle. This class is NOT for new shooters. You will need to bring a minimum of 500 rounds of ammunition, eye protection, baseball cap and any additional magazines and magazine pouches. You must have attended the intermediate class prior to attending the advanced class.
I offer flashlight classes enabling you to become familiar utilizing a flashlight with your weapon. This is a great class to attend since many incidences happen in low light conditions and the ability to effectively utilize your flashlight in conjunction with your weapon will provide you the advantage in a gunfight. There are several techniques taught in this class allowing you to find the one that is best for you. I will also teach you to clear a malfunction while retaining your flashlight. You will need to bring a minimum of 150 rounds of ammunition, flashlight, eye protection, baseball cap and any additional magazines and magazine pouches. This class is 2 hours.
I will provide you with the most up to date curriculum taught throughout the country. While no-one wants to think they will be involved in an incident such as this, it is critical to be prepared for such an event. I also provide instruction on what to look for to possibly identify likely shooters or violent offenders. There is no need for a firearm for this class, as teachers are not allowed to carry concealed in a classroom.
All classes are designed for a maximum of 4 hours but may be modified based upon abilities.
I can tailor my training to meet almost any need and am happy to assist you with one on one personal classes.